Almanac Features HourWorld™ may be used to print an almanac for any location for any month or year, or to create a file with almanac information to be opened by a spreadsheet or word processor. To create a tab-delimited file which may be exported and then opened in a spreadsheet or word processor, select "Save Almanac File" from the File Menu. The file that is saved may not be opened or viewed directly by HourWorld™. To send an almanac printout to your printer, select "Print Almanac" from the File menu. After selecting either option (file or printout), HourWorld™ will ask you if you wish the information for the current month, or the current year. If you choose the current month, almanac information will be generated for the currently-active Home Location, for the current month and year, for the one current month only. If you choose "Current Year", the information will be calculated for the Home Location for the entire year from Jan 1 to Dec 31. To generate almanac information for a different location, first go to the Edit menu and use Change Home Location Settings to choose the desired location as the Home Location. To generate almanac information for a different year or month, use the same Change Home Location Settings screen to choose the desired month or year. Once the location, month or year have been selected, then go to the File menu and select the desired operation - Print Almanac or Save Almanac File. Working With Almanac Files The text file that results from Save Almanac File is organized with a tab character after each piece of data for a date, and with a carriage return character at the end of one date and before the next date. As such, it may be opened, viewed, manipulated, and printed by most spreadsheet and word processor programs. The saved file cannot be viewed or printed directly by HourWorld™. A spreadsheet program will normally offer the greatest flexility in working with a saved monthly almanac file. Start your spreadsheet software program first, then use its "Open" menu command to open the monthly almanac file. The spreadsheet program you are using may have options to choose the delimiter for opening a delimited text file. If it does, choose the option for TAB DELIMITED files. The file, once loaded into the spreadsheet, should be arranged nicely into columns of data, with labels at the top of the columns, as in the example on the previous page. You may use your spreadsheet program's commands to change the font and type size, to rearrange the order of columns, or to delete unwanted columns. After you have arranged the data the way you want, then you may print it out using your spreadsheet program's "Print" menu command. The monthly almanac file may also be opened by a word processing or desktop publishing program. However, using a word processor program to manipulate the data for attractive printing may involve more work than doing it with a spreadsheet. Note: There are normally days each month without a moonrise or moonset, due to the fact that the period from one moonrise to the next is more than 24 hours. Also, close to the poles, there are many days when the sun and moon remain above or below the horizon without rising or setting. Between the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, there is a sunrise and sunset every day. Between the circles and the poles, there are days in summer when the sun is continuously above the horizon, and days in winter when the sun is continuously below the horizon.